The Different Types of Equipment Finance

Equipment Finance Equipment Finance is a type of business financing that allows companies to get access significant capital. Mainly for the purpose of purchasing or renting equipment. It can apply to office necessities like computers, desks, and servers. Also heavy types of machinery like tractors, backhoes or delivery trucks. It gives businesses the opportunity to […]

Should you buy or lease your truck?

Buy Or Lease A Truck? Running a transport business can feel like endless calculations of expenses VS profit, of pros VS cons. One of the toughest conundrums one might face is choosing between buying a truck or leasing one. So let’s settle the deal once and for all. Should you buy or should you lease […]

Finding Financial Motivation & Staying on Track

Finding Financial Motivation We all know how it feels to set a goal for ourselves that doesn’t seem entirely attainable. Worse yet, most of us (probably all of us) know how it feels to set a goal and fail to accomplish it. It’s a terrible feeling and unfortunately sometimes, all-too familiar. So how exactly can […]

Why you need a professional finance broker on your side!

finance broker

We all know by now, that interest rates are on the rise in 2022. This can be a stressful time for those prospective buyers, wanting to purchase items using finance. While most of us know the basics of seeking loans with a bank directly, there is growing competition in the finance industry and so many […]

5 Expenses You Need to Review At Least Once A Year

What better time to review your budget and bank accounts than the End of Financial Year? In fact, if you set aside time each EOFY, you’d likely save a significant amount of money and potentially find yourself in a very different financial situation in the future. It’s always a good idea to stay on top […]

What You Need To Know When Applying For A Business Loan!

Applying For A Business Loan When starting a business there are a lot of things to take into consideration; from location to mission statement, employees to business plans, but it all starts with securing a great business loan. It can often feel overwhelming, particularly if you’re a first time business owner, but it’s not as […]

Equipment Loan Tips

Equipment Loan Tips Choosing the right way to finance your equipment depends on a thorough assessment of your business requirements and objectives. It’s important to make sure your equipment loan repayment structure is in line with your financial and business position and to consider the flexibility of the repayment structures offered. Individual business positions vary, […]

Chattel Mortgage vs. Hire Purchase

Chattel Mortgage vs Hire Purchase ..If you’re in the market for a new car and want a clear understanding of your finance options, catch our video. We look at the benefits and disadvantages of Chattel Mortgage vs Hire Purchase, and Car Lease options. Are you in need of a new car? But not in need of […]

Are Business Loans Tax Deductible In Australia?

Are business loans tax deductible in Australia? The answer to the question is partly ‘Yes’. Why? It’s because a business loan repayment as a whole is not tax deductible, only the interest payment is. For business owners, tax time can be rather hectic. Your main goal during this time should be to determine all tax […]

The Importance Of Pre-Approved Finance

When it comes to large purchases you know you’re going to need finance for, whether it’s a car, boat, motorbike, caravan or any kind of leisure vehicle, it’s advisable to arrange a pre-approved loan before you start shopping. What is a pre-approved loan you ask? It doesn’t mean you get given the cash to go […]

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